Week of June 9, 2025 - June 15, 2025

  • Wednesday, June 11th
Nags Head

Share a love of fishing with the youngest members in your vacationing party with this special fishing tournament that’s designed with youth anglers in mind. The Fritz Boyden Memorial Youth Tournament is an annual fishing tournament that takes place on the famous Jennette’s Pier, as well as Avalon pier, Outer Banks Fishing Pier, and Nags Head Fishing Pier. It is open to all anglers ages 16 and under. The age groups for competitors are 4-9 years old and 10-16 years old, and trophies as well as rod and reel combos are awarded to the largest fish caught by a girl and boy angler for the day. Participants in the “catch and release” tournament can enjoy a full morning of fishing before going to a celebratory and awards lunch close to the pier.

Outer Banks 2025 Vacations - Wide Open Spaces
Lost Colony Brewery's Waterfront Beer Garden